HomeCar CultureThe Drive With Alan Taylor: It's a mad, mad world

The Drive With Alan Taylor: It’s a mad, mad world

Listen as the radio/TV host and guests talk about the latest automotive news


In the latest episode of “The Drive with Alan Taylor”,  BJ Killeen, automotive journalist and voice of reason, opens the show with Alan as they discuss “color” depreciation. Alan quickly wants to know if his choice of color on his new Jeep Wrangler Rubicon was the right one. BJ says, “as long as it’s not yellow, orange, purple, red, green, blue or gray you’re good!”

Before BJ leaves, she shares news of the passing of Burton Smith. He was the founder and creator of Speedway Motorsports. His story is a rags to riches piece with him donating over $61 million towards charity over the years.

Up next is Lauren Fix, Editor-in-Chief for Car Coach Reports. Gas prices and gimmicks are her topics. Is the president giving us a ‘Gas Holiday’? Lauren breaks it down for us – 18.4% off regular gasoline and 24.4% off diesel. 

Rolling in next is Josh Hancock, Hollywood car consultant, who points out that Ford is the only company who is not pledging to become all electric. They plan to be about 40% electric based on customer demand. Josh shares that the European Union is really pushing Germany to become all electric, but Germany refuses to stop producing internal combustion engines. 

Bringing in the rear and closing the show today is Karl Brauer, automotive industry analyst, chimes in with his bit on the “contract provisions”, and says that when purchasing is new 2022 Ford GT, his contracts states that he can’t sell the vehicle for 2 years.

Alan shares his frustration of how he feels that the industry is forcing people to buy electric. Both he and Karl say that is a huge mistake for a manufacturer to say they will be all electric. It’s like saying you can only have one tool to fix everything on your car or in your home. People want choices.

[00:00:00] – Depreciation Colors
[00:06:22] – Vin #0001
[00:12:30] – Thank you Burton Smith
[00:19:50] – Bidens Gimmick
[00:24:50] – TESLA on Fire!
[00:35:52] – World of Finance
[00:42:12] – European Union Pushy!
[00:47:24] – Rivalry Renewed
[00:54:44] – Mark Up!
[01:02:04] – Contract’s Own You!
[01:11:38] – Greatest Invention
[01:18:06] – Wrangler vs Bronco


Host: Alan Taylor
Producer: Dave Milligan
Copy Editor: Colleen Mahi
Contributor: BJ Killeen
Contributor: Lauren Fix
Contributor: Josh Hancock
Contributor: Karl Brauer

To learn more about “The Drive with Alan Taylor,” visit the podcast’s website.



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