HomeCar CultureName game: Would you name your baby Subaru?

Name game: Would you name your baby Subaru?

Company shares statistics on car-related baby names


Believe it or not, dating back to the turn of this century, 5 sets of American parents have named their sons Subaru and 5 others named sons Chevrolet. Also, 5 sets of parents named their newborn daughters Mini. 

OK, so Chevy Chase and Mini Driver had nice careers as actors, but would you really saddle your son with the name Subaru for the rest of his life? 

Those facts and those that will follow are provided by, a used car website in England. The website also studied car-related baby names in the UK. Since 2000, 3 boys have been named Mclaren, 3 others Dodge and 3 more Chevy. Among girls, there have been a trio each of Triumph, Hudson and Cruz.

Other car-related unusual names for American baby boys are Cadillac, Mercedes, Alfa, Derby, Wraith, Nissan, Jaguar and Avanti. 

Among girls, there also have been Alfa, Ferrari, Aston, Zafira, Noble, Astra and Audi. 

The website also offered lists of the most common car-related names in each country. Among American boys born this century, there have been 167,301 name Austin, 164,090 named Hunter, and 77,068 named Cooper. 

Among girls, 96,684 have been named Morgan, 11,188 Mercedes and 6,186 Hunter. 

In the UK, the most popular car-related names for boys have been Morgan, Austin and Rio; among girls: Morgan, Alba and Kia.

“Naming a new baby is a huge task, and many parents choose to take inspiration from their passions,” the website reports. “So what if their passion is for cars? Well, that’s surely not going to stop countless parents from making sure their new addition has a name that matches their own car or perhaps one that they dream to have.”

Larry Edsall
Larry Edsall
A former daily newspaper sports editor, Larry Edsall spent a dozen years as an editor at AutoWeek magazine before making the transition to writing for the web and becoming the author of more than 15 automotive books. In addition to being founding editor at, Larry has written for The New York Times and The Detroit News and was an adjunct honors professor at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University.


  1. Do you realize that a Subaru is a bus, read Subaru backwords “urabus”, My Brother gets credit for that when I owned a 1980 Station Wagon, great car.


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